The night before Mason started middle school, he declared that he must have skinny jeans. This from a child who wore shorts on all winter days including those decked with snow and ice. Jeans have not been a priority in his life. No kind of pants really. He's a shorts man. Until. Now. So, we embarked on a mini shopping extravaganza to locate the appropriate level of skinny jeans. He ended up with a not Hot Topic kind of pair, but a modern and fashionable skinny. Though he had to have them the night before the big day, I haven't seen them since. Until. Now. Today he went to the mall with his guy friends (and the parents!). At first he came down with shorts and a t-shirt on. Hair slightly mussed. He left the house (with a good bit of huffy-puffy mouthiness in true tween fashion). After conferring with the fellas, he came back in for a costume change. Low and behold the skinny jeans make their grand entrance. Not only is he rocking them with his new Jordans, but he has also fixed his hair. Though we get the mouthy attitude at times, the tweens also bring a new sense of hygiene and for that we are all thankful.
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