Saturday, August 20, 2011

What I Should Have Done...

Mason and Mama Tara circa '05ish
I should have been keeping a journal of all the amazing things you've done and of all the emotions I felt as you did them, but I didn't. But what I can do is retro activate some memories as they surface. Let's begin. When you were about one (you started walking at 9.5 months) you went in to my tiny office, overturned a trash can, climbed onto my desk to get markers. I thought you were a genius. Your first words were "dada" and "ball". You were a such an enjoyable baby (after 6 weeks-before that, not so much). You were a terribly behaved three year old. You loved Maisy books. I read "Maisy Goes to the Farm" about 1,453 times. I read to you while you were still an infant Charlotte's Web until I remembered what happens at the end. We stopped with a few chapters to go. One of my favorite things about you is that you always loved to read and still do.  Amen. Quotes that I adore: hotter than a chicken in a fire and life is good for the good. In kindergarten, your art work was chosen for a show downtown. I was so proud. This followed a very alarming performance in your kindergarten musical. You did not sing one word. You did a lot of looking around. You loved a pillow from the couch. It was covered in denim. You slept with it for years and years. You also scratched your little fingers against the material as you fell asleep...for years and years. You really loved Buzz Lightyear. You asked Santa for one (like two days before Christmas) and Santa hadn't gotten you one yet, but he managed with some help from Mawmaw. There's more where this came from. Love.

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